Tag: installation

Stakeholders dialogue. Human and Plants, installazione di Camilla Alberti e Simona Cioce presso The Swamp Pavilion, Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2018.

L’installazione di Camilla Alberti De L’esprit Des Lois presso Walden Milano.

Camilla Alberti, De L’esprit Des Lois, 2018. Veduta dell’installazione presso Walden Milano.

Camilla Alberti, De L’esprit Des Lois, 2018.

Il progetto analizza la dimensione relazionale che s’instaura in un habitat tra due organismi differenti.

Lo spazio di Walden è regolato dalla convivenza stretta di umani e piante. I primi dominano lo spazio del café con il loro passaggio, mentre le piante lo abitano e attraverso questo loro risiedere modificano il luogo agendo direttamente sulla composizione dell’aria. Le piante, pertanto, conquistano l’habitat nella sfera dell’invisibile.
De L’esprit Des Lois crea una struttura composta da due basi scultoree che collegano le piante all’interno dello spazio permettendo loro di seguire il proprio sviluppo.
La definizione di un nuovo Habitat instaura una forma di coesistenza alla pari per entrambe le specie e ogni modificazione avviene secondo una concatenazione di leggi definite dalla convivenza stessa.

Il lavoro è presentato nel contesto del progetto NABA Occupy Walden

a cura di Leonardo Caffo
con gli studenti di Studi Curatoriali della NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
coordinamento grafico Chiara Onestini
Sponsor Waiting Posthuman Studio, BRUMI
coordinamento progetti Clarissa Greta Gibella
dall’8 giugno al 30 luglio 2018
più di 40 progetti tra installazioni, eventi, talk, arte, design
party 22 giugno dalle ore 20


Walden Milano
via Vetere 14
20123 Milano
Per maggiori informazioni su Camilla Alberti si prega di cliccare qui.



Baptiste Debombourg’s “Jardins fantômes” is a public commission at Le Havre

“Jardins fantômes”, contextual installation in corten steel, 4x200m.

Baptiste Debombourg’s “Jardins fantômes” 

is a public commission  in occasion of the 500th anniversary of the city of Le Havre 

Curator Jean Blaise

For more information on Baptiste Debombourg please click here.

Baptiste Debombourg’s solo exhibition “RAGING DREAMS over the horizon” opens on May 19th at S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery, Bergen.

RAGING DREAMS over the horizon
Baptiste Debombourg 19.05-16.07.17
Vernissage 19.05.17 at 7 p.m.

S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery is celebrating its 10th anniversary with the opening of the exhibition RAGING DREAMS over the horizon by the French artist Baptiste Debombourg.

Debombourg has received international acclaim for his monumental installations. Waves of broken glass are breaking into and flooding rooms and structures, taking over and transforming buildings and areas. The work can be experienced as both threatening and beautiful as the artist both destroys and rebuilds. The broken and reconstructed material conveys many stories and is often interpreted as a critique of the world we live in – of consumerism or a world in the process of falling apart.

In S12’s Gallery Baptiste Debombourg has made a new installation– Raging Dreams where the energy and power of dreams is a central theme, and where the main material is laminated glass. Debombourg does work with a variety of materials and techniques, but prefers to use materials we are surrounded with in our daily life. In this installation, the remodeled sheets of broken laminated glass, remind us of the destructive abilities of natural forces, as they take over the the gallery, parallel with the silhouette horizon in the background. Through his unique and eye catching artwork he makes the viewer experience his/hers surroundings in a new and unexpected way.

Baptiste Debombourg is an innovative artist who pushes boundaries, explores various media and collaborates with artists from other fields, be it artists, architects or fashion designers. He lives and works in Paris. Debombourg has studied sculpture at Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Lyon and did his post-graduate work at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In France he is one of the most outstanding artists of his generation
with numerous public presentations at home and abroad to his merit. He has built installations in cities such as Paris, Strasbourgh, Miami, Québec and Sarajevo, and will in May ´17 present a new public installation in Le Havre on the occasion of the city’s 500th anniversary.

For more information on Baptiste Debombourg please click here.

To download an interview on the project with Bergljót Jónsdóttir, Director of S12, Bergen, please follow this link:  NG 2 2017, S12 Baptiste Debombourg, S, 28 – 31.

Baptiste Debombourg: Respire, at Galerie Saint-Séverin in Paris opens December 15.

Respire  (Breathe) is a contextual installation in laminated glass by Baptiste Debombourg at the Saint-Séverin Gallery in Paris.

Curator: Yves Sabourin.
Courtesy Galerie Patricia Dorfmann.
Opening thursday 15 December from 7 to 9PM.
On view 24 hours a day from 16/12/2016 to the 12/02/2017

Galerie Saint-Séverin
4 rue des Prêtres-Saint-Séverin 75005 Paris
M° Cluny, Saint-Michel

For more information on Baptiste Debombourg, please click here.